Adult Learn to Play

Summer Season begins July 10

Registration now open

Summer Class Schedules & More Information

Ever want to give hockey a try? Looking for a night out to try something new, have fun and get some bonus exercise at the same time? Perhaps you used to play hockey and want to improve on your skills? Or maybe you’re already part of an Adult League and interested in improving your playing skills. No matter your past hockey experience, Adult Learn to Play is for you!

Class Descriptions & More Information

adult Learn to Play 1

Adult Learn to Play Hockey 1 is for adults ages 18+ who have never played hockey before or for those who have very little experience. This class is the first step to entering an Adult Hockey league. Each week participants will progress on the basics of the forward and backward skating stride, stopping, puck control, passing and shooting. Registration does not include equipment.

Prerequisites: No skating or hockey experience required.

adult Learn to Play 2

Adult Learn to Play Hockey 2 is designed for adults ages 18+ who have completed a Learn to Play 1 series in the past, and/or are currently participating in any type of organized hockey. This class will focus on advanced edgework, stickhandling, and shooting skills, as well as game situations and on ice positioning.

Prerequisite: Requires completion of Adult Hockey 1

adult Learn to Play 3

Adult Learn to Play Hockey 3 is for players who have taken at least one Adult Learn to Play 2 class. Skaters are expected to have basic skating skills, and the ability to stickhandle, pass, and shoot while skating. During this series we will begin to discuss the rules of the game and on ice positioning. A good portion of each class will continue to build on skating, edgework, and general skills.

Prerequisite: Requires Coaches Approval

Adult Learn To Play 1
Women Only

Adult Learn to Play Hockey 1 Women Only is an all-female class. This class is for women ages 18+ who have never played hockey before or for those who have very little experience. This class is the first step to entering an Adult Hockey league. Each week participants will progress on the basics of the forward and backward skating stride, stopping, puck control, passing and shooting.

Prerequisites: No skating or hockey experience required.

adult Learn to Play 3 v 3

Come join the all new Wednesday night cross-ice 3v3 to improve your game and compete with others! This session will have multiple cross-ice 3-on-3 games going for the duration of the session, with coaching tips and insights throughout. One of the best ways to be able to improve your game is playing in small areas and being forced to make quick decisions, and this is a great way to do so!

Required Equipment

where to purchase gear

To purchase equipment, contact Elevate Sporting Goods & Equipment online or visit one of their Pro Shops located within Sno-King Renton or Sno-King Snoqualmie.

Questions regarding purchasing gear? Contact Elevate Sporting at one of the emails below.

Renton Rink:
Snoqualmie Rink:

Find an Adult Learn to Play Class Near You


